Tag Archives: osprey

Osprey Nest

This is the largest Osprey nest in the area. All the nests I have seen, four or five, have nesting mothers and/or fathers in them. One nest had a plastic milk carton woven in with the sticks and twigs.

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The Secret Life of Ospreys

      I heard a large splash, over and over again, and my attention was drawn to an Osprey exhibiting hunting behavior. He would flutter in one position over the swamp about ten feet high and I could see that his razor-sharp eyes were intently focused on what lie beneath in the marsh water. […]

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Where is the baby Osprey?

The mother seems to be wondering the same thing. The baby is too young to fly off and if it did it would still be nearby. Did something happen to it while both parents went fishing? It was not in the nest as I am always able to hear it and today it was silent. I […]

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There is only one baby in the nest. I saw its little head peeping out looking very interested in what its father was bringing home. If you look closely you can see its head, which blends right in with the nest and looks like a twig. The leatherjacket looks as if it might have been […]

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It must be nesting season for a pair of Ospreys sitting high above the highway in a huge nest perched on a man made pole especially designed for them in the refuge bounds. I also saw Thor again at the edge of the savanna. Or was it a different buck trying to gain territory and […]

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