Monthly Archives: November 2013

It Has Eyes

The Hermit Crab was washed up during high tide and was struggling to get back into the sea. It uses the shell of other crabs and as it grows abandons house to find a larger one. It is called a hermit because of its habit of living in a second hand shell by comparison to […]

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Windsurfers, the Egret and By-The-Wind Sailor

I never know what surprises await me as I begin my trek across the swamp to the other side. Today instead of one hundred Pelicans I saw an overturned windsurfer in the same spot.  There were no Pelicans around but if so, they might think the surfer was one interesting creature to be wary of. […]

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It must be nesting season for a pair of Ospreys sitting high above the highway in a huge nest perched on a man made pole especially designed for them in the refuge bounds. I also saw Thor again at the edge of the savanna. Or was it a different buck trying to gain territory and […]

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Pelican Haven

At sunrise this morning there were at least ONE HUNDRED pelicans harvesting breakfast in a long line in the shallow waters of the warm Atlantic Ocean.  I had to be super quiet as in the past the repositioning of my camera could be enough to spook  them into a mass exodus of flutter and feather.  […]

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Brown Pelicans Gathering

I counted about sixty Brown Pelicans today floating in the Atlantic Ocean. The island curves in such a way to form an enclave where I have seen them gathered before.  The curvature of the terrain forms a good trap for the fresh sushi they so enjoy.

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Roseate Spoonbills

The Roseate Spoonbills have either found new territory in the region or migrated South because I have not seen the mother with her three charges since November 5. First the mom disappeared and the three grown babies were left alone for about two weeks. How exactly does the female convey to her offspring that the […]

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Rutting Season

The magnificent buck, now named  ‘Thor’ for referencing, was on the beach again sparing with a younger male. My presence did not seem to disturb their interacting and I watched in awe something I have only seen on NatGeo.  I also noticed that Thor has a harem of at least three does.

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Sunrise on Big Pine Key

The tide was at its lowest, exposing the rocks, creating reflecting pools of brilliant sunshine as it rose over the Atlantic.   I saw the magnificent buck and he saw me and we stared at each other in  silence.  Wedged in the mangroves, I found a coffee cup from Vancouver, Canada and wondered if it […]

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